How and When should I use Fenu Fibre?
The suggested dosage is 4-5 grams / per time. The dietary fibre should be taken three times Viz. just before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Total amount of Fenu Fibre to be taken is around 12-15 gram/day either split in two or three dosage of 5-6 gram/dose. One spoonful is around 5/6 grams.
It is important that Fenu Fibre is taken just before all food intake. 10-15 minutes earlier to food intake can be adopted, but not earlier than that. The fibre has to be swallowed with minimum amount of water so that it swells well with water taken from stomach and intestine.
The fibre should not be chewed as the particles may get stuck in between the teeth. It is preferable to put coarse fibre near the base of tongue and swallow it with water. You may also mix it with a small amount of water, stir it and consume it immediately.